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Sam Houston

Sam Houston is remembered as one of the most colorful as well as controversial figures in the history of Texas. He is best revered for his role in bringing Texas, as a constituent state of the U.S. His role as a politician, and a soldier earned him the accolade of being the first president of the Republic of Texas in the year 1836.

There are several excerpts from Sam’s life, which bring out the ‘war hero’ and the ‘able administrator’ qualities in him. Some of these instances are illustrated below.

Houston’s contribution in Texas’ war for Independence

Sam Houston showed utmost courage in the battle of San-Jacinto by launching a surprise attack on the Mexican army, and won the Texas’ war for Independence. Because of his commendable service and contribution, he served two successful terms as the president of Texas. First time in the year 1836, followed by a reelection in 1841. In spite of the fact that Mexico made two attempts for invasion in 1842, Houston believed in working towards a peaceful solution. It was his spirit as a war hero which prevented bellicose Texans from getting into open conflict with Mexico.

Houston’s term as a US senator

After Texas joined the United States in the year 1846, Sam Houston served as a US senator from 1846-1859. In this long tenure of his career as a senator, he was revered for his belief in staunch unionism and friendship. He was always opposed to secession and championed the cause of a unionist.

Houston’s term as Governor of Texas

Houston’s commendable contribution as an administrator made him the Governor of Texas in the year 1859. During this crucial time, all the constituent states of the US were wrestling with the issue of slavery system. Houston proved himself as a wise statesman by stepping down as the governor in 1861, when Texas voted to secede from the United States. Houston was aware that the south would never win the war and there was no reason to create unnecessary violence. He died at his residence in Huntsville, Texas in the year 1863.


Today, Texas remembers him as one of the greatest heroes of their independence movement. Countless streets, parks, the city of Houston and Houston University has been named after him.
